Publishing – Why Do I Do It?

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Aside from the normal things that anyone takes away from a career, one of the things I love the most is meeting interesting people. Authors all have something to say and I get to “see” what’s inside their minds. One of my first authors wrote her books intuitively after having a very unusual experience. Although she always knew she was psychic and had built a business around metaphysics, one day she was going home from work in Colorado and passed the tourist train which was an 1800’s model. As she passed, she saw a woman standing by the side of the road dressed as though it really was the 1800s. She looked behind her in the rear view mirror a bit down the road and the woman had vanished. But what was left behind was inspiration and as soon as the author sat at her computer the story poured out of her and she created six books based on the woman’s life.

Another author used her career and knowledge to create business books targeted at different niches. The basics of holding business meetings in a volatile environment translated to different markets such as teachers, architects, consultants, etc. and she did very well. Other authors have taken tragedies from their own lives and their lessons in moving forward to create self help books. And other authors have used their gratefulness at having someone special in their family, paying tribute and honoring that person with a book about their life story.

Some authors have gambled it all and retired from their career to just write. Some have totally amazed me at their beautiful words and I’ve cried a few tears. Some books I can’t get out of my head even after the work is done because they are so thought provoking. I’ve laughed at quirky characters and dialogue and been surprised by endings that I didn’t see coming. One author made me realize some spiritual principles that I thought I had learned but really didn’t “get” completely until I read that book.

I’ve learned from everyone and am grateful to be trusted to bring their work into fruition.

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